Manage Acquisition/Disposition Records
When to use this procedure
Use this procedure to directly edit an acquisition or disposition record.
Note: Be sure you have a working backup before editing your A&D records.
Steps to complete
Choose from the options below.
- On the Edit Acquisition/Disposition Entries window, enter as much or as little information as desired in the search criteria boxes and click Refresh Grid. The more information you enter, the more specific your search results will be.
- Highlight the record you want to edit and click Edit Record. The Gunbook Entry window displays.
- Edit any information as necessary.
- Click Save. The Edit Acquisition/Disposition Entries window redisplays.
- Click Save.
- On the Edit Acquisition/Disposition Entries window, click Add Record. The Gunbook Entry window displays.
- Enter any information as necessary. The acquisition reference number will default to Manual.
- Click Save. The Edit Acquisition/Disposition Entries window redisplays.
- Click Save.
- On the Edit Acquisition/Disposition Entries window, enter as much or as little information in the search criteria boxes and click Refresh Grid. The more information you enter, the more specific your search results will be.
- Highlight the record you want to delete and click Delete Record. A message displays confirming that you want to delete the record.
- Click Yes.